
Friday, October 31, 2014

Measles: Supplementary Immunization Activity in Pakistan Year 2014 (Field Guide)

Measles is an infectious disease, largely affecting the children. It presents with fever, flu, red eyes, white patch on the inner side of the mouth and rashes over the body. The rashes start from the face and neck and then spread over the other parts of the body. Measles becomes fatal if not managed on time.
In 2012, Pakistan had to face a number of cases and deaths with measles. Now measles immunization is the part of extended program immunization schedule (EPI schedule) in Pakistan. Children are given measles vaccine injections at 9th and 25th months of age. The following images are the photos field guide for measles supplementary immunization activity 2014 in Pakistan. All the photos show text in Urdu language. The pictures below cover the following topics about measles:
What is supplementary immunization activity?
How to maintain measles cold chain?
How to inject measles vaccine?
How to protect measles vaccine?
What are the adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) and how to manage them?
How to mobilize people for measles vaccination?
How to spread the news?
How to monitor measles vaccine activity?
How to monitor and supervise measles vaccination activity?
Answers to frequently asked questions?

Field Guide: Supplementary immunization activity (SIA)

List of topics covered


Words of Thanks!

Supplementary immunization activity

Cold Chain Management

How to inject measles vaccine?

How to maintain the vaccination record

How to use and dispose the things

AEFIs Management

How to mobilize people for measles vaccination

Message for the parents

Assessment and reporting

How to monitor the measles vaccination activity?

Frequently asked questions

Ministry of Health Pakistan

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Keywords: Measles, Disease, EPI, Measles vaccine, Immunization, Photos, Adverse events following immunization (AEFIs), Monitoring, Field Guide

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