
Saturday, November 09, 2013

Notorious Questions of Part-I FCPS (Post-1)

1. Which is the most common type of hepatitis occurring during pregnancy?
A.     Hepatitis A
B.     Hepatitis B
C.     Hepatitis C
D.     Hepatitis D
E.      Hepatitis E
Answer: A (Hepatitis A is most common either it is in the pregnant woman or general population)
2. Which is most fatal type of hepatitis during pregnancy?
A.     Hepatitis A
B.     Hepatitis B
C.     Hepatitis C
D.     Hepatitis D
E.      Hepatitis E
Answer: E (Most fatal type of hepatitis during pregnancy is hepatitis E)
3. An uncovered person is sitting at room temperature. Mechanism of heat loss will be:
A.     Conduction
B.     Sweating
C.     Convection
D.     Radiation
E.      Evaporation
Answer: D (Radiation: heat loss at room-temperature; Conduction: heat loss through direct contact with the body; Convection: when heat flows with a medium
4. High output cardiac failure is associated with:
A.     Riboflavin
B.     Vitamin K
C.     Thiamine
D.     Vitamin C
E.      Vitamin E
Answer: C (High out-put cardiac failure occurs in conditions like Beri-beri, A/V fistula, Hyperthyroidism, Paget’s disease of bone and Severe chronic anemia)
5. A male patient present with injured bulbar urethra. Which where the urine will leak into?
A.     Deep perineal pouch
B.     Fascia lata
C.     Scrotum
D.     Superficial perineal pouch
E.      Ischiorectal fossa
Answer: D (Ruptured penile or bulbar urethra will leak into superficial perineal pouch while ruptured membranous urethra will leak into deep preineal pouch.)
6. Renal blood flow is best measured by the use of which substance?
A.     Inulin
B.     Urea
C.     PABA
D.     Creatinine
E.      PAH
Answer: E (Renal plasma flow is best measured by para-aminohippuric acid [PAH] while glomerular filtration rate [GFR] is measured by Inulin.)
7. Which structure does not pass deep to the flexor retinaculum?
A.     Flexor digitorum profundus
B.     Palmaris longus
C.     Median nerve
D.     Flexor digitorum superficialis
Answer: B (Palmaris longus, ulnar artery and nerve and palmar branch of median nerve)
8. During skeletal muscle contraction which part of the muscle does not shorten?
A.     H band
B.     A band
C.     Sarcomere
D.     Z line
E.      I band
Answer: B (Sarcomere lies between Z lines; A band represents thick fibers and I band refers to thin fibers)
9. Osteosarcoma affects which part of the bone?
A.     Epiphysis
B.     Metaphysis
C.     Diaphysis
D.     Epiphyseal plate
E.      Articular disc
Answer: B (Osteosarcoma and Osteochondroma affect metaphysic; Ewing’s sarcoma and Chondrsarcoma affect diaphysis; Giant cell tumour affects epiphysis)
10. During mitosis chromosomes double in which phase?
A.     Prophase
B.     Metaphase
C.     Anaphase
D.     Telophase
E.      Interphase
Answer: B (Chromosomes double at the end of metaphase; DNA doubles in prophase; Anaphase is the shortest phase of cell division)

Keywords: Part-I FCPS Exam questions, FCPS MCQs, CPSP exam questions, Notorious questions

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